2017-11-25 - MCRRC Turkey Burnoff 10 Miler

^z 28th March 2023 at 8:59pm

10 miles @ ~8.7 min/mi

"Beard!" Shaggy-gray fast runner Wayne Breslyn and I salute one another whenever our paths cross at the MCRRC "Turkey Burnoff" 10 miler. Brilliant sun glitters off Clopper Lake, roads are lined with crisp leaves, and the Gatorade is strong and sweet. A brisk morning yields a brisker-than-expected pace, chip time 1:26:41 for 1st of 7 in the 65-69 year male cohort. After the finish friendly Igor Lvovskyi checks to make sure we're in different age groups; he's 73. Nutella on chocolate-chip muffins is the recovery food of choice.

Barry drives to Seneca Creek State Park, where we fist-bump Anny warming-up, then greet Ken and Gayatri. Ultra veteran Joe Hanle chats pre-start; he ran the C&O Canal 100 and the Stone Mill 50 with me, and blasts off today to finish far ahead. The old right ankle and left hip twinge; the right heel feels bruised. Good excuses in preparation for next weekend's Devil Dog 100k?! Splits at mile markers: 8.4 + 8.4 + 9.0 + 8.5 + 8.9 + 8.7 + 8.6 + 9.2 + 8.3 + 8.7 minutes.

(photo by Dan Reichmann)

Past results:

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-12-20